myGovID is now known as myID. It has a new name and look - but you can continue to use it the same way. Find out more.

Get started

Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) is an authorisation service that allows you to access government online services on behalf of a business.

To access services on behalf of a business, you need to link your Digital ID, such as myID to the business’s Australian business number (ABN) in RAM. How you do this depends on your role in the business.

The principal authority needs to be the first link to the business in RAM. Once linked, others can be authorised to act on behalf of the business.

Find out how to set up based on your role:

  • Principal authority (a person responsible for the business), for example
    • a sole trader
    • an eligible individual associate listed on an ABN in the Australian Business Register (ABR) – this includes the trustee, director, public officer or partner
    • a primary person (where no individual associate is listed in the ABR) – this includes the director or public officer for a corporate trustee; the executor of a deceased estate; a responsible person of a charity or not-for-profit organisation; an authorised contact listed in the ABR for a government entity; or an office holder for an unincorporated association or body of persons.
  • Authorised user and administrator – employee or other person authorised to act on behalf of the business online
  • Business software user or provider – user of Standard Business Reporting (SBR) software.

Before you start

You will need the following before you start:

  • A Digital ID, such as myID
  • An internet browser that is compatible with RAM. This can be either
    • Google Chrome version 39+
    • Mozilla Firefox version 30+
    • Apple Safari version 5+.