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Guide: how to install a machine credential

A machine credential allows you to transact directly with government online services through SBR-enabled business software.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for principal authorities and machine credential administrators (as authorised by a principal authority or authorisation administrator) on how to create a new machine credential in Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM).

When creating a new machine credential to prevent expiry of an existing one, use the same credential name.

Guide overview:

Before you start

Before you create a machine credential, you need to download and install a browser extension compatible with your device’s operating system. These extensions are for Firefox and Chrome-based web browsers on the following operating systems:

For detailed instructions see the Installing a browser extension section.

How to install a machine credential

Step 1

Using Chrome or Firefox, go to and log in to RAM using your Digital ID, such as myID. 

You can select the Continue with Digital ID button or the Login button in the top right-hand corner.

Step 2

Click View or manage authorisations, machine credentials and cloud software notifications. You will be directed to a view of all the entities you can act for.

Select the entity you would like to create a machine credential for.

Screen showing an example of where you can select the entities you can act on behalf of.


Step 3

The entity homepage will be displayed with a list of all the authorisations for the entity. Click the Manage Credentials tab in the toolbar.

Screen showing a list of all authorisations for the entity.


Step 4

The Manage credentials page is displayed.

Screen showing the notification that software is required.


If you’ve already installed the required browser extension, go to the next step.

If you have not yet installed the required browser extension, you'll receive a message that browser extension software is required.

Click Machine credential downloads or see the Installing a browser extension section.

Select, install and enable the browser extension link for your operating system.

Close your browser, then reopen it and follow Steps 1-6.

Step 5

Select Create machine credential.

Screen of Create a machine credential page with create a machine credential button in the top right hand corner.


Step 6

Enter the following information:

  • Keystore path – this is where the machine credential will be created and stored, the information will be pre-filled but can be changed if required.
  • Keystore password – choose a password that is at least 10 characters (with no space) including an upper case letter, a lower case letter, a number and a special character. You’ll provide this password within your software either when setting up or authenticating. You should not use your myID password for the ‘Keystore password’.
  • Verify your keystore password – re-enter your chosen password.
  • Credential name – create a name that will help you to easily identify the machine credential. If you’re creating a new machine credential to prevent expiry of an existing one, use the same credential name.
  • Identify the machine credential custodian – this will be pre-filled with your name and cannot be changed.

If you’re creating a new machine credential to prevent expiry of an existing one, a message will display confirming the new credential will share the same permissions. You’ll need to revoke the existing machine credential if it hasn’t expired yet.


When creating a machine credential, you can store it in:

  • an existing keystore by using the initial keystore path and password    
  • a new keystore by changing the keystore path and password
  • a new keystore each time you create one - you will need to change the keystore path each time you create a new machine credential to do this.

The machine credential keystore is generated in Extensible Markup Language (XML). If your software requires the keystore to be stored in an alternative format, you’ll need to follow the guidance provided by your digital service provider to convert and install the keystore.

Tick the box to confirm you understand and accept the machine credential details.

Click Download.

Screen showing fields for the Keystore path, Keystore password and Credential name.


Step 7

Once downloaded you will receive a message confirming that the machine credential has been installed.

Screen showing the message that a machine credential has been installed successfully.


Step 8

From the Manage credentials page you can create, edit, revoke and claim unassigned machine credentials for the entity.

Screen showing the newly created machine credential listed on the Create a machine credential page.


Installing a browser extension

To create a machine credential, you will need to download and install a browser enabler/extension that is compatible with one of the following operating systems:

Download and install a browser extension for Windows

Step 1

Use the link: (ZIP 2.8MB) and save the file. Go to your Downloads folder and run ‘ATOBEInstaller.exe’.

Screen showing the ATOBEInstaller.exe executable.

Step 2

The ATOBE Installer will open. Click I Agree to progress.

If the following message appears, close any open browsers and click Retry.

Error opening file for writing: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\ATOBE\atoakmbex.exe. Click Abort to stop the installation, Retry to try again, or Ignore to skip this file.

Step 3

Click Close to finalise installation.

Screen showing that the browser extension installation is complete.

Step 4

You have now successfully installed the browser extension onto your computer.

Click OK. Restart any open browsers or log off and log on again.

Screen showing success message. You have successfully installed ATOBE 1.0.1. Before using, please restart any open browsers or logoff and on again.

Download and install a browser extension for MAC OS

Step 1

Use the link: (ZIP 1.2MB) and save the file. Go to your Downloads folder and run ‘ATOBEInstaller.pkg’.

Screen showing the ATOBEInstaller.pkg package.

Step 2

The ATOBE Installer will be made available in the ‘Downloads’ folder. Click on Download to activate.

Screen showing downloads folder where package will be found after downloading.

Step 3

The ATOBE Installer will open. Click Continue.

Screen showing the introduction of the ATOBE installer process.

Step 4

The license information will be displayed. Click Continue then Agree to progress.

Screen showing the ATOBE licence agreement information.

Step 5

The destination is automatically selected. Click Install and enter your computer password to allow installation. Then click Install Software.

Note: You can change the install location if required before clicking Install.

Screen showing that the user will be prompted to provide user details and password to continue installation.

Step 6

To finalise installation all applications must be closed. Click Continue Installation. You will be logged out when complete.

Screen showing that to finalise installation, applications will be closed and you will be logged out.

Step 7

You have now successfully installed the browser extension onto your computer.

Screen showing that the software installation was successful.

Step 8

You can move the ATOBE Installer to the trash as required and delete.

Screen showing that you can move the ATOBE Installer  to the trash as required and delete.

Step 9

Once the ATOBE has been added you will need to select Enable Extension for it to work.

Screenshot showing the Enable extension button.

Download and install a browser extension for Linux

Step 1

Use link: (ZIP 146KB) and click on ‘’. Ensure that all browser sessions are closed.

Screen showing the downloaded file.

Step 2

Open a terminal window at the download location and run ‘Bash ./’.

Screen showing ‘Bash ./’. being run.

Step 3

The console output will appear.

The following console output will appear: (libc6,x86-64) => /user/lib64/ (libc6) => / user/lib/ (libc6,x86-64) => /user/lib64/

Step 4 – libjansson_library.png

The installer checks to see that the dependent library libjansson is present. If it is not, please install it from the relevant repository.

Screen showing that the installer is testing for the dependent library libjansson.

Step 5

The installed executable is run. Errors will be produced if there are any other dependent libraries missing. Check and install any other missing dependencies.

You have now successfully installed the browser extension onto your computer.

The installed executable is run. Errors will be produced if there are any other dependent libraries missing.