myGovID is now known as myID. It has a new name and look - but you can continue to use it the same way. Find out more.

Participating online services

RAM allows you to act on behalf of a business with participating government online services. More services will be added as they become available.

Different online services may require a certain myID identity strength.

Access Manager

A system used for customising access and permissions for ATO online services. Managed by the Australian Taxation Office.

Aged Care Financial Report (ACFR) Portal

A secure portal for aged care providers to complete and submit annual financial and prudential data. Managed by Forms Administration on behalf of the Department of Health and Aged Care.

Apprenticeships Data Management System (ADMS)

An online system used by employers, network providers and state training authorities for managing all aspects of Australian Apprenticeships. It replaces the Training and Youth Internet Management System. Managed by Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

Assisted School Travel Program (ASTP) Online

A secure portal for ASTP contractors to access run cards, view routes and submit pay claims. Managed by the NSW Department of Education.

Australian Business Register (ABR)

Update Australian business number (ABN) details and manage authorisations. The ABR stores details about businesses and organisations when they register for an ABN.

Australian Business Register (ABR) Explorer

An online analytics tool for government agencies to search, query, visualise and download ABR data.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Revenue Office Self Service Portal

The portal provides businesses with the ability to meet their reporting obligations for payroll tax and ambulance levy in the ACT. Managed by the ACT Revenue Office.

Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Lodgement Facility

A lodgement system for eligible revenue reporting, regional radio content compliance, telecommunications complaints data and radio communications licensing. Managed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Extranet

A secure portal for APRA-regulated institutions to report data to APRA outside of the reporting requirements for Direct to APRA (D2A). Submit breaches, OpRisk data, as well as create and track MySuper or eligible rollover fund applications. Managed by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.


The AusCheck portals are used by government agencies to submit and manage applications for Aviation Security Identification Cards (ASICs) and Maritime Security Identification Cards (MSICs). They are also used by ASIC and MSIC issuing bodies to manage requests for AusCheck background checks. Managed by the Department of Home Affairs.

Bankruptcy Register Search

An online service used to access personal insolvency information about individuals directly from the National Personal Insolvency Index (NPII). Managed by the Australian Financial Security Authority.

Biosecurity Online Services

Create and manage biosecurity inspection bookings for imported cargo. Managed by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

Business Registration Service

An online registration service that combines a number of key government business and tax registrations in one place. Managed by the Department of Industry, Science and Resources.

Cathodic Protection Registrations Online

Cathodic Protection Registrations Online is an electronic platform for cathodic protection system owners to manage the registration of their cathodic protection systems in Queensland.

Managed by the Office of Industrial Relations, Queensland.

Climate Active Portal

A secure online portal for companies to apply and manage certifications and reporting obligations with Climate Active. Managed by the Department of Industry, Science and Resources.

Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) Assessor Portal

The CBD Program aims to improve the energy efficiency of Australia's large office buildings by requiring energy efficiency information to be provided when commercial office space of 1,000 square metres or more is offered for sale or lease. Managed by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

Creditor Bankruptcy Notices

An online service to apply to the Official Receiver for a bankruptcy notice if someone owes you (the creditor) $10,000 or more. Managed by the Australian Financial Security Authority.

Data Exchange web-based Portal

A program reporting platform that provides a standard way for funded organisations to collect and measure service delivery and client outcomes data. Managed by the Department of Social Services.


Dataplace is a digital platform that makes it easier for organisations to request Australian Government data. Managed by The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Debt Agreements Online

An online service for debt agreement administrators and creditors to submit debt agreement forms and view debt agreement details. Managed by the Australian Financial Security Authority.

Departing Australia superannuation payment (DASP) online application system (super funds)

For super funds to access DASP applications. Managed by the Australian Taxation Office.

Departing Australia superannuation payment (DASP) online application system (tax agents)

For registered tax agents to submit a DASP claim on behalf of a client. Managed by the Australian Taxation Office.

Early Childhood Contract Management System (ECCMS)

The online system used to manage funding and contracting arrangements with early childhood education services. Managed by the NSW Department of Education.

Employer Support Payment Scheme

Online claim system for employers of reservists and self-employed reservists. Managed by the Department of Defence.

Employment Security Access Management (eSAM)

A system for customising access and roles for employment online services. Managed by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

Employment Services System (ESS) Web

An online service that allows Employment Services Providers to administer employment services for job seekers under Workforce Australia Online for Businesses, Disability Employment Services, Transition to Work, ParentsNext and other employment contracts. Managed by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

Export Market Development Grant application

Small to medium sized businesses can apply for an Export Market Development Grant to help promote their Australian goods, services, IP address and know-how in overseas markets. Managed by the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade).

Federal Safety Commissioner (FSC) Online

FSC Online makes it easy for building and construction companies to seek accreditation under the Commonwealth’s Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme.
FSC Online also allows accredited companies to apply for reaccreditation as well as manage their reporting obligations under the Scheme. Managed by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR).

Federal Safety Officer (FSO) Online

FSO Online is a portal for Federal Safety Officers, who are contracted by the Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner to conduct audits under the Commonwealth’s Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme. Managed by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR).

Franchise Disclosure Register

A free, self-service register where franchisors are required to publish key information about their system. Prospective franchise buyers, current franchisees and professional advisers can access this information to guide business decisions. Managed by the Department of the Treasury.

Health Data Portal

Allows publishing of reports for public consumption or exchange data and files with authenticated individuals, businesses and other government agencies. Managed by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

Health Demand and Supply Utilisation Patterns Planning (HeaDS UPP) Tool

A secure, integrated source of health workforce and services data available to approved organisations involved in health workforce planning activities. Managed by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

Health Products Portal

For submissions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC), Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) and the Medical Devices and Human Tissue Advisory Committee (MDHTAC). Also, for management of items and data in associated programs including the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and Prescribed List (PL).
Managed by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

Hearing Services Online Portal

A secure portal for contracted providers under the Hearing Services Program to manage clients and make claims. Managed by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP) System

A program that provides support to humanitarian entrants to build skills and knowledge to become active members of the Australian community. Managed by the Department of Home Affairs.

Import and Export Online Services

An online service for importers and exporters to manage their registration, permits and third-party software. Managed by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.


Supports suppliers of the NT government to lodge invoices for online payment and track the progress of the payment. Managed by Northern Territory Department of Corporate and Digital Development.

My Aged Care Assessor Portal

A secure portal for My Aged Care Assessors to manage assessment referrals, conduct aged care assessments, develop client support plans and refer clients to aged care services. Managed by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

My Aged Care Service and Support Portal

A secure portal for My Aged Care Service Providers to maintain service information for aged care service offerings, manage service referrals and wait lists, and monitor clients throughout service delivery. Managed by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

Motor Vehicle Registry (MVR) for Business

A digital service for licensed motor vehicle dealers, authorised inspectors and fleet operators to complete Northern Territory (NT) vehicle registration transactions. Managed by the NT Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.

National Measurement Institute Service Portal

A secure online portal for customers to submit requests, receive quotes, and access reports for National Measurement Institute services such as instrument testing and calibrations. Managed by the National Measurement Institute.

Northern Territory (NT) Vocational Education and Training (VET) Portal

Allows registered training organisations to submit VET activity and enables data collection and validation. This assists with national reporting of NT VET activity, planning VET strategies and other reporting purposes. Managed by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade.

Official Receiver Notices Online

An online service to allow trustees and their staff to apply for various Official Receiver notices. Managed by the Australian Financial Security Authority.

Online services for agents

A system for tax and BAS agents to access services and client information. Managed by the Australian Taxation Office.

Online services for business

A new system for businesses to report and manage their tax and superannuation.
Managed by the Australian Taxation Office.

Online services for DSPs

A system for digital service providers to access support and track requests. Managed by the Australian Taxation Office.

Online services for foreign investors

A system for foreign investors and their representatives to report and manage their Australian asset registrations and related obligations. Managed by the Australian Taxation Office.

Payment Times Reporting Portal

A secure portal for large businesses to report information about payments to small business suppliers and for small businesses to opt out of being identified for reporting purposes. Managed by the Department of the Treasury.

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Approved Suppliers Portal

Allows applicants to lodge applications for approval to supply pharmaceutical benefits and update their details online. Managed by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

Practitioner Annual Administration Return (AAR) Online

An online service used by practitioners to lodge annual administration returns. Managed by the Australian Financial Security Authority.

Prostheses List Management System

An online portal that allows sponsors to create, edit and monitor applications and for assessments to be undertaken for prostheses listings. Managed by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

Payroll Tax - PTX Express

A secure system that allows users to lodge monthly returns, lodge their annual reconciliation, apply for refunds and update records. Managed by Victoria State Revenue Office.

RevenueWA Online

An online portal that allows registered users to lodge, pay and manage their payroll tax, duties, insurance duties and betting tax obligations in Western Australia (WA). Managed by RevenueWA.

Research & Development (R&D) Tax Incentive customer portal

A secure portal for companies to apply and manage applications and interactions with the R&D Tax Incentive. Managed by the Department of Industry, Science and Resources.


An online service for skilled workers or business people from overseas to express their interest in migrating to Australia. Managed by the Department of Home Affairs.

Smart and Skilled Application Portal

An online application system that provides an end-to-end solution for the processing and managing of all Smart and Skilled contracts. This includes the application process, the corresponding assessment and future contracting. Managed by the NSW Department of Education.

STS Online

Used by registered training organisations (RTO) and Apprenticeship Network Providers (ANP) to do business with Training Services NSW. Managed by the NSW Department of Education.

Super Enquiry Service

A system for Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) super funds and their administrators to lodge and manage super-related enquiries. Managed by the Australian Taxation Office.

Tasmanian Revenue Online

The online portal of the Tasmanian State Revenue Office. Managed by the State Revenue Office, Tasmania.

The Grant Recipient Portal

A secure portal for community grant recipients to report and manage grant transactions and interactions. Managed by the Department of Social Services.

Unique Student Identifier (USI) Organisation Portal

Used by registered training and education organisations, and related bodies to create, verify and find unique student identifiers. Managed by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

Workforce Australia Online for Businesses

A free online recruitment service. Businesses can advertise jobs, search the database of job-ready candidates and access tailored recruitment support. Managed by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

Workforce Australia Online for Providers

Used by employment services providers to manage and access employment services, workforce specialists, training material and policy information. Employment services providers help individuals look for work and develop their skills to get job-ready.
Managed by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Employer Portal

A secure portal for employers to report and access their WGEA data. Managed by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.